First, we’re going to get a grasp on the current state of your business so we know EXACTLY how many clients you need each month to meet your income goals (& double your investment!)
Next, we are going to help you finally get some momentum and visibility
Core topics here are:
Feel good ways to show up online (without feeling inauthentic, like you have to be someone else or you can’t have a private life)
How to quickly grow your social media following with LOCAL dream clients (vs other stylists)
We’re going to makeover your “Consultation” (into something potential clients will be asking YOU for!)
We’ll create your daily gameplan for getting new clients (introvert approved)
You’ll have steps to become YOUR city’s go-to expert
Next, we are going to show you how to get your dream clients to give you money
Core topics here are:
How to STOP talking to people who can’t afford you (bye!)
Easy, feel good ways to get fully booked over DM
Next, we’ll work on making more $$ from your existing clients.
Core topics here are:
Easy ways to upgrade your clients (without feeling greedy or guilty)
Rebooking scripts so you can gain traction in getting fully booked (vs always feeling like you’re treading water)
A referral program to make it SO simple for your favorite clients to send you their friends and family.
Fun, creative retail ideas that take the “selling” out of sending your clients home with what they need. (It’s my trick to have THEM asking you for retail vs the other way around.)
Any ONE of these things can move the needle immediately for your business.
I’m ready to get started right away and I’m inviting you to join the BEST MONTH EVER program!
Here’s how it works:
Each week (over 4 weeks), we’ll create your custom content gameplan and decide on what money-making activities you’ll be focusing on for the week. We’ll do this in a 1:1 1 hour meeting together where I can answer all of your questions and you can feel SUPER confident and clear on what you need to do each day.
I’m also watching you 🤓 and making sure that you’re following through on everything that we plan together. (Yup, that’s right. This is all action!)
It’s time to finally prioritize building your custom system for getting new clients. A system that you can utilize over and over again for the rest of your career! (For real, this system is TIMELESS and will work no matter the economic climate).
So I’d like you to have 2-3 hours / week for the next 30 days!
The total cost is $997 USD or 4 payments of $300...
but for right now you can save your spot with a refundable $99 deposit
Ren, I am worried I can’t afford this, what do I do?
Girl, let me tell you a story about my client Denise.
Denise was super on the fence about joining (after all – it was a pandemic!). She had less than 400 followers on social media, an email list with maybe 10 client emails and a fairly new suite. She hadn’t brought in ANY new clients from social media and rarely saw “strangers” (just had her same clients that came to see her every month).
She felt like it was a big risk to spend her money on this... but she KNEW that she was super ready to say YES to herself and to actually learn how to run the successful business she dreamed about.
Denise met 12 new clients and made a total of $2,780 (in NEW sales – in addition to her repeat clientele) in our 30 days together. The best part??? 100% OF HER CLIENTS REBOOKED so she gets to repeat this income increase every 6 weeks!! That’s over double her investment in the program – triple/quadruple/+ if you think of the impact over the next year!!
And she wasn’t an influencer, she didn’t have perfect photos or fancy equipment. She was soooo normal. The only thing is she had a dream and she believed in herself.
The point? Successful salon owners are NOT the ones who say, “I can’t afford it”. Successful salon owners ARE the ones who get resourceful. They are the ones who FIND the money to make it happen because they are 100% committed to making their dreams come true. They say, “I really want a successful business and I will do what it takes to make that happen.”
I can promise you, she had more “excuses” NOT to do it. But she ignored the excuses and CHOSE to bet on herself.
Will this work for me and my circumstances/experience level?
Yes it will work for you!! Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped salon owners from all walks of life get new clients.
The reason why it works for everyone is because it’s not a cookie cutter program. It’s a 1:1 program where we work side by side on customizing each and every part for YOU.
If you’ve been struggling to get clients before, it’s not your fault. Likely, you’ve been following copy/paste tactics from some “artist” or “independent educator” who is just sharing what worked for HER. Instead, I believe that because you are unique, the way in which you promote your business MUST be unique to you.
In other words, for the first time ever, you will actually love what you do to get clients because it will be customized to YOU and YOUR BUSINESS. It’s a beautiful thing.
You’re in good hands and you’re going to love this breath-of-fresh-air simple & strategic gameplan to help you get clients.
Ren, how quickly can I expect to see results??
I am really proud of the answer I’m able to give you with this because these techniques work IMMEDIATELY.
And it’s not just them. There are more who have seen results just like this. And the BEST part is that the MORE you show up – the better the results you’re able to achieve.
Text “BME” to 813-322-2783